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SCI(E) / Electronics
An Anonymous Protocol with User Identification and Linking Capabilities for User Privacy in a Permissioned Blockchain
G. Ra, D. Seo, M. Z. A. Bhuiyan, I. LeeVol: 9 / No: 8.0 / pp.: 1-22 ISSN: 2079-9292 DOI: 10.3390/electronics9081183 |
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SCI(E) / Tshinghua Science and Technology
A Novel Transparent and Auditable Fog-Cloud Storage Framework with Compensation Mechanism
D. Kim, J. Son, D. Seo, Y. Kim, J. SeoVol: 25 / No: 1 / pp.: 28-43 ISSN: 1007-0214 DOI: 10.26599/TST.2019.9010025 |
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SCI(E) / IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Reducing Communication Overhead for Nested NEMO Networks: Roaming Authentication and Access Control Structure
Hyung-Jin Lim, Moonseong Kim, Jong-Hyouk Lee, Daehee Seo, Tai M. ChungVol: 60 / No: 7 / pp.: 3408 - 3423 ISSN: 0018-9545 DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2011.2158864 |